
I’m so excited to welcome Eryck Ochoa, a master’s student, to the lab group! Eryck is joining us from Riverside, California and is looking forward to the Midwestern seasons.


New paper out in Earth and Planetary Science Letters! Led by William Shinevar, we have employed the Whole-rock Interpretive Seismic Toolbox for Ultramafic Lithology (WISTFUL) tool to interpret the variations in temperature and chemistry within the lithosphere below the continental United States. This workflow also allows us to evaluate the density and long-term stability of continental lithosphere. This paper has been a long time coming so we’re excited to finally share our work with the community. Check out the article here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X2200601X.


I’ve just returned from Alaska, where we installed eleven broadband seismometers in the western Kenai Peninsula! Thanks to everyone who hosted an instrument, and to KDLL in Kenai and to teachers at Sterling Elementary, Soldotna High, and Chapman Schools for their help with connecting us with the community. Read KDLL’s piece on our experiment here: https://www.kdll.org/local-news/2022-11-09/researchers-looking-for-local-hosts-for-earthquake-seismometers

I would also like to thank Homer, Alaska for being warmer than Madison the entirety of the time I was there!